12 October 2013

Paris today...Louvre.

At Montparnasse.
The standard Gendarmerie van.
Inside the glass pyramid at the Louvre.
I had a better look at the Islamic wing, as last time it was just open and it was hard to see everything.
This guard was giving me the 'evil eye'.
Back to the Greek section, capturing all the ladies.
They moved "Venus de Milo", here she is in the background.
Ceiling painted by Cy Twombly.
This one by Braque.
I found these treasures on the way out, I just love the little figures on the outside of the sarcophagi's. They are Greek/Egyptian art works.
So these are on back.
And this is the front.
I love this one too!

10 October 2013

Kapla Blocks at school

This week at both of the boy's school they had "Kapla" blocks... they are very big here in France. Both boys had a blast and by chance had an opportunity to pack up the blocks.

The orange boat was built by the little one, I think with some help.

8 October 2013

Someone's 7th Birthday

The presents.
Lots of 'Play mobile' and 'Lego'.
Lego concrete truck, was a winner...very popular.
This year it was an orange racing car cake...

Indian Restaurant in Versailles

Last Saturday night we caught up with friends in Versailles. They are on a big tour, but it was fab seeing them near our place.

All of the boys.
A techno update.
The Taj in the background.