18 June 2014

A visiter....

We have a cat, and I feed a couple of stray cats. I was just saying to hubby that there must be a little visiter who tips over the cat bowls.... well last night we saw him..... a hedgehog.

I also feed the local birds like sparrows, pigeons and black birds. We also have a bat, who must be living in our (un-used) chimney, he comes out for a fly around, just after dusk.

17 June 2014

15th of June, Father's Day

On Sunday it was Father's Day in France, the bakery did a good job with the cake.

Goodies from Athens...

Hubby is a good man, bringing me some beautiful goodies...from Athens.

Museum of Cycladic Art, Athens.

I'll write some details soon, but did you know that there are male Cycladic figures too! They are very rare.
At the entrance of the museum.
First try of human shape.
U shaped.
Violin shaped.
Long enigmatic face.
The eyes were protected because of the original paint.
Fancy a cup of tea ? Very rare statue with a prominent arm.
Different arms stands.
Yes, I'm a boy.
Having a rest. Very rare position for a statue.
A mother handing her kid ?
A hunter with a horizontal dagger on the waist.
A lion in the center and running preys around.
Mr and Ms Sphinx. A deadly couple.
Sphinx, Egyptian style.
Nice head shaped vase.
Boar, duck, swans.