19 October 2015

Today at the Chateau...

Today we had a quick visit to the Chateau of Versailles, well the garden bit. I've been a few times, and it was so good to see the sculptures, before they get wrapped, because of the freezing cold, (it won't be long).

The English artist Anish Kapoor has some contemporary works in the garden. I'll have to go back with my good camera before they are gone on the 1st of November 2015.

Click HERE for more information about the Chateau, (in english).

18 October 2015

The Musée de la Chasse et de la nature.

Today I visited the museum of Hunting and Nature in Paris. I'm not a big fan of hunting, but I went to see the artworks of Walton Ford. Which are super amazing! this one is a detail of "The Tigress".

This one is a detail from "La Fontaine" 2006. He uses watercolour, gouache, ink and pencil on paper.

"Loss of the Lisbon Rhinoceros", 2008. This one was so beautiful.

In the background is "A monkey from Guiny" 2007.

This one is 302.9 x 153 cm. It's called "Rhyndacus". Ford's work is throughout the museum. Click here, to read more about Walton Ford.
The rest of the museum has been decorated by crafts people and artists. In almost every room there is a contemporary work of art. Even if your not into hunting like me, you will have a fabulous visit.

These dogs were very interesting. I missed getting the name of this one.

Jeff Koons' "Puppy" 1998, with Ford's "La Bete jouant avec un chien de chasse" 2015, in the background.

Vincent Dubourg, "Bird Car" 2007.

Ford's "Representation Véritable" 2015 is over the fireplace.

On the top right is Ford's "Pièges", 2015.

 The address for the museum is Hotel de Guénégaud-Hotel de Mongelas, 62 rue des Archives, 75003, Paris. It closed Mondays and public holidays. Opening hours are 11.00am - 6.00pm. Click HERE for more details (in french).