3 July 2014

Hot today...28°C.

It was hot today, so after school the Boys enjoyed the pool. Rose petals in the pool, why didn't I think of that?

29 June 2014

Quick Sunday Visit to Paris, 22nd June.

Last Sunday with the heat (25°C), a train strike and a gas leak at a train station, I tried to go to Paris, I thought I was never going to make it. I was stuck at my train station for over two hours. (luckily I had my sketch book and the camera, with photos from Greece). Once I got to Paris all was good, I had a quick shop and then back home... the trains were going home every two hours, so it was an epic trip home again!       
Here is a shop from the Louvre.

Got to love the shops along rue Saint Honoré (the road parallel to rue de Rivoli, but less tourists and in the shade)... shoes anyone! Most of the shops are closed on a Sunday, so it is good fun to window shop.
What about some roses?
Place de la Concorde.
On the Champs Elysées, they had lots of people on bikes, getting ready for the 'Tour' no doubt.

Here is the link to some of the drawings I made at the train station.

School Fete, 20th of June.

There was a school fete the other week, the boys had fun, eating hot dogs, cakes, throwing balls at tins, blowing bubbles and fishing for goodies.
He was looking like this, to make sure I saw him do a good throw.

The eldest gets a medal for Judo.

We are very proud, At his Judo school, he came 1st place out of 41 other students in his age group. He got a special medal and some other judo goodies too! He was very, very excited.