25 December 2014


Hubby says "do you think the kids have enough gifts this year?"
I  saved a shoe for our tree...
After 8.30am, all the kids were up, time to open the presents...
Once again, lots of 'lego' and 'playmobile'.
Hubby's present.
Off we went to Paris for lunch with friends...

Ready to celebrate!

Circus on the 13th of December.

All the boys ran away to the circus. They had a great time and great seats...

8 December 2014

4 November 2014

End of Holidays...

The holidays are over, but the sickness still hovers over the house. Two boys are still sick.... Almost OVER it! and going a little stir crazy...

Playdoh car fun...
Dancing time...
Twister Fun...
Kapla building...
Three hour Lego fun with daddy...
A shared experience...

26 October 2014


This holiday has been mostly spent at home, as two of us have been sick. The weather is turning colder, but the boys still managed to play in the sand pit. This is a sand impression of the landscape of "Lord of the Rings"...can you see the eye of Sauron?
Cleo was lost all day Friday, I couldn't see any squashed cats on the road...then in the afternoon, I heard her meowing in the backyard diagonally opposite our back yard,... she must have easily gotten down, but couldn't get back up. The fences are quiet high and they neighbor has a wire fence all around the edge of her garden. The lady has an allergy to cats, so she just left her there in the yard, waiting for her husband to get home. Hubby was able to go around and put her back up on the fence, so she could climb back down to our yard. Cleo does have a chip, in her neck for ID, but now she has a lovely red necklace, with all of her details...just in case, for the next time.
The youngest, found this lovely Easter artwork in the cupboard, he doesn't remember doing it, but it has his name on it! He's a funny chicken!