30 July 2014

Barcelona Aquarium

Yesterday it rained, so every man and his dog went to the aquarium. It was best to buy the tickets online too, to avoid the large nasty queue.
It was funny to see so many people using i-phones, smart phones etc, to see the aquarium. I was a bit shocked actually... it was a big race to get to each tank and take the best photo... okay I had my camera too, but I also had my sketch book, which I used. (I don't have a i-phone/smart phone).
Is anyone really looking anymore?
Fuzzy moving sea horses...
This was the best tank, with the lion fish.
Love this one too!
Love the sharks...
Boys went nuts inside and had a great time running about.
We needed food after this, but the prices were seriously crazy, almost like airport prices...so take your own food.
At least the Iguanas were still, and a little bit cheeky below...
A Funny drinking fish, and let me tell you the orange slushy was awful, too much syrup.
At last, one penguin was swimming!

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