15 September 2013

The little one's bedroom.

Well it's been a long time...it was over 9 months in the making. I was eternally frustrated by the texture of the plaster walls. So I finally gave up the idea of painting the walls and went with wallpaper. It's common in french houses, that the plaster is so soft, they don't even seal it, but just wallpaper straight over it. This is the third place where I have found wallpaper the norm. The wallpaper selected in most houses is the cheapest and most awful stuff. Even in our experience the 17 euro wallpaper was far impressive and easy to work with, than the 8 euro paper. Originally one wall was going to be stripped, but after the 8 euro disaster and the polystyrene wall (another mystery/cheap and nasty), we went all for the stripes... our little one likes it and that's all that matters. A big thank you to hubby who had his first try and hanging wallpaper...
Not much else to do with good old chipboard doors, again the word 'cheap' does come to mind. And a big goodbye to the mustard colour on the trimmings and heater.