2 March 2013


The big one had his first Judo tournament, he said "it was hard". He came equal 4th, and got a medal.

1 March 2013

Guess who....

Hubby went to the snow

He went to the real snow, north of Grenoble.
Anyone want to go for an 11km walk in the snow?

The views are breathtaking.
Frozen waterfall.

Big Snow last weekend

Last weekend it snowed non stopped.
This is a view of the old tower in Maurepas. The trees are fab in this one... I wish I had taken more pictures.

28 February 2013

Paris, Montmartre 17th of Febuary.

Here we are at the top of the stairs at Montmarte. Someone ran up them, while I walked like a nanna.
My favorite part of Paris... Sacre Cœur. See, it was sunny, the sunglasses came out.
In the gardens of the 'Museum of Montmartre'... there was a good exhibition on," Le Chat Noir" (the black cat, a bar/theatre, think "Moulin Rouge"), but no photos were allowed inside. I was tempted, but with big signs and cameras everywhere... I decided not to.
Behind in the gardens.
I love this photo.
 This is the swing from a Renoir painting.
Sculpture in the gardens.
MMMM a yummy crêpe.
On the way down the stairs, there was some cool graffitti, some collage ones too.
The carousel at the bottom of the stairs at Montmatre. Just like the one in the film "Amelié".
After we went to a book fair in the Hôtel de Ville (town hall), Oops, I was more interested in the decorations than the books.

Archeaological Museum Saint-Germain-En-Laye

I visited the Archeaological Museum on the 27th of January (our computer died and it's just now that we have a new one ready to rock-a-roll). It was my "Disneyland", there were about 6 other people inside and the collection was magnificent. I arrived almost too late to see the Roman collection. As one part is open first and then they open the second part. I had to almost run through taking photos and doing quick sketches. My obsession of the female figure was enriched by seeing the pre-historic figures.
Roman belt buckle.
This metal work was so fine.
Spare eyes.
Roman Goddesses, made from moulds.
Here is where the pre-historic goodies start.... I was so amazed by the details of the carvings.
Female Figures.
Animal carvings from some caves.
These ladies are so small, measuring 4-5cm in height.
The little head is carved from ivory, and is very famous, called "Venus of Brassempouy" (French: la Dame de Brassempouy, meaning "Lady of Brassempouy", or Dame à la Capuche, "Lady with the Hood")
They also had an exhibition on the Celts.