29 February 2016

Today in Paris, Musée l'Homme.

Today we had a great day at the Musée l'Homme... the museum has been refurbished. And it's amazing. It's in a great location and kids are free.

This was the inspiration for a famous painting. Do you know which one?

There even was a bust of Truganini. Click here to find about her...

They had a great collection of Neolithic artworks. This is "Venus of Abri Pataud". They also had "Vénus de Lespugue" and "Vénus Impudique", but in the dim light, my camera wouldn't work. I did take photos on my phone, but for some reason, I can't get them on my computer...

Venus figure from Malta.

Click HERE for a link to the museum.

Bedroom 22nd of Feb.

Sometimes it's a bit hard to walk in someone's bedroom...