10 June 2017


There is a great Picasso exhibition in Quay Branly museum. The early part is a documentary of his interest in primitive art.

The rest of the exhibition is his work, next to examples that he either owned or was inspired by.

I took a few photos of the collection in the museum. Here is an Easter Island sculpture.

A Carnival costume from Oruro, Bolivia.

9 June 2017


It was mine and my youngest's birthday {24&28 May}... (I forgot to take more photos of mine), but here is the fabulous birthday flashing light, that only got ONE go... as just after this photo, it caught on fire, and died. Talk about a sad moment!

The youngest had a great day!

Lego is still king!

My "BB8" Star Wars cake...

It got 2 thumbs up...

A Lego display... Technique is the favorite for my little engineer...

Peru 17th -22nd

Hubby went to Peru for work, so here is a selection of photos from his trip to Lima.

London 3rd - 7th of April

We had a great trip to London for 5 days...

Fog installation at the Tate Modern.

Playground sculpture?

Family Portrait at St Pauls Cathedral.

Boys driving the double decker bus.

T-Rex at the Natural history museum.

British Museum.

On our way to Camden Town markets.

A lovely walk...

Tower Bridge.

Windsor Castle.

A boy dreaming...

Buckingham Palace.

Who doesn't love a squirrel...
Westminster, Big Ben... calm with flower memorials...

My Boys...