1 November 2017


We have a resident Currawong that visits for food.

A family of Magpies come to bathe in our bird bath too!

This is mum magpie, looking for some dinner for her baby.

The other night I saw a small possum crawling along a phone line, we also get pigeons, honeyeaters, magpie-larks, rosellas, cockatoos, minor birds and a marsupial mouse (photo below).

Wagga Wagga 4th-7th of October

We went to Wagga Wagga, for a few days... This is the train station. Which is beautiful.

After the visit to the station, there was a kids zone party, that was packing up... but the kids had a great time making cardboard houses...

The Chisholm Fountain in the Victory Memorial gardens.

It was hot in Wagga Wagga, we all needed some icecream.

We visted Lake Albert, for a meal at the boat club.

In the botanical gardens they have a free zoo... 

We visited Junee, and went to the licorice and chocolate factory. Where they had some vintage and classic cars...

On the way home we popped into the Junee Roundhouse Museum, It was very cool...

This was an old Motor Rail, that went from Sutherland to Waterfall, before the electric trains went through... I definitely went on this train...

Junee had the best hamburgers...
We then visited the Temora Aviation Museum... they had a Leonardo Da Vinci machines exhibition.