16 July 2012

Crete, Palace of Knossos

Here is the first section of the palace, you see lots of rocks, walls, tourists, but then you see that first red column and you know it's Knossos.
Bulls horns.
All of the frescoes are copies, but still it's great to see them. This one is called "The Prince with the Lilies".
Alex doing a great impersonation of the Prince.
These pots look ordinary, but when you see them in real life and see the size of them, you are very impressed. The big pots are over 2 meters tall.
Max thought his keys just might open the lock.
The famous "Dolphin" fresco.
It was a hot day at 36°c, with thousands of tourists wanting to see the sites. There was a big line to see the other famous rooms, and as it was so hot, we decided not to stay. We had hoped to see the originals in the archaeological museum, but it was closed for renovations. They had a temporary exhibit with only 400 objects, rather than the 4000 objects they have, including the original "Dolphin Fresco". Oh well, that's life.

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