23 August 2016

8th of July Oz, Cronulla & Berry.

From the 8th of July to the 18th of August we went to Australia for our family holiday.  We flew with Qatar airlines, which was good. The first leg from Paris to Doha was around 6 hours, while the second leg was 14 hours, from Doha to Sydney. I flew firstly with the boys, and although they did sleep for most of the second leg, I did not. It was winter in Sydney, and leaving a grey France, (infact I hadn't seen the blue sky for months), I was so excited to see blue skies.

We started our holiday in Cronulla, 45 minutes south of Sydney. One night was enough to make me so happy... maybe it was the blue skies, seeing friends, or being surrounded by Aussies.

I think that's me... the cupcake.
I then drove to Berry, 1.5 hours south of Sydney, and meet my parents and cousin. I also just went for the crepes, at the Hedgehog Cafe.

I love Berry Shops, but this trip, was a one trip stop at Berry.
My parents live 2 hours south of Sydney and they have kangaroos in their front garden. In the mornings and at dusk, they come for a quick snack of bread.

This is one of my favorite photos, I took it, with one hand on the bread and one on the shutter.

By the end of our trip, the little one, was out of his pouch.

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