7 February 2018

NGV 5th of January

Move graffiti...

At the National Gallery of Victoria, the 13th Triennel is on, and it's amazing... very intereactive and I've never seen so many people go into a public gallery (in Australia). This work is by Xu Zhen. "Eternity- Buddha in Nivana, The Dying Gaul, Farnèse Hercules, Night, Day, Sartyr and Bacchante, Funerary Genius, Achilles, Persian Soldier Fighting, Dancing Faun, Crouching Aphrodite, Narcissus Lying, Othryades the Spartan Dying, the Fall of Icarus, A River, Milo of Croton", 2016-2017.

Yayoi Kusama's "Flower Obsession" 2017. Is a whole Inside of a house, that started white and now is covered in flower stickers.

In the kid section of the Gallery, We Make Carpets, a Dutch art collective, has set up a wondeful interactive display, with everyday objects. 

Laundry Pegs.

Shuttle Cocks.

Velcro shapes.

Kitchen Sponges.

Pool Noodles.

Teamlab, installation of Moving Creates Vortices and Vortices Create Movement, 2017.

Alexandra Kehayoglou, "Santa Cruz River", 2016-17.

Ron Mueck, "Mass" 2016-17. 

This was the most impressive work, with 100 large scale skulls.

Each afternoon and night, the view from the apartment was amazing.

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