28 February 2013

Archeaological Museum Saint-Germain-En-Laye

I visited the Archeaological Museum on the 27th of January (our computer died and it's just now that we have a new one ready to rock-a-roll). It was my "Disneyland", there were about 6 other people inside and the collection was magnificent. I arrived almost too late to see the Roman collection. As one part is open first and then they open the second part. I had to almost run through taking photos and doing quick sketches. My obsession of the female figure was enriched by seeing the pre-historic figures.
Roman belt buckle.
This metal work was so fine.
Spare eyes.
Roman Goddesses, made from moulds.
Here is where the pre-historic goodies start.... I was so amazed by the details of the carvings.
Female Figures.
Animal carvings from some caves.
These ladies are so small, measuring 4-5cm in height.
The little head is carved from ivory, and is very famous, called "Venus of Brassempouy" (French: la Dame de Brassempouy, meaning "Lady of Brassempouy", or Dame à la Capuche, "Lady with the Hood")
They also had an exhibition on the Celts.

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